Tuesday 26 November 2013

Finals and Unfortunate Events - Week 9

    An unfortunate event has occurred, my laptop has broken. However I have found a temporary replacement. The main issue, however, is that my files have all been lost :( . Always save important notes on a flash drive. My exercises, labs, and assignments to review are now gone. As well as my notes for other classes. Otherwise, I guess re-doing every assignment, exercise, and lab would be great review?

    Topics to review immediately however would be memoize, maps, and properties. I find properties to be something really nice and reminds me of rewriting operators like in c++. It really seems useful for making classes work together, comparable, addable, etc. Maybe even makes lists that you can add elements to with a simple + sign. Memoize is quite a clever way to reduce computations within a function, it helps me see now what exactly the purpose of a cache is. Although I wonder how this would be done outside of python without dictionaries, are there similar built in data structures or would we make our own? I can't think of any in Java off the top of my head. Reduce mapping seems like a really simple and quick shortcut to computing the sum/multiplication/reduction of a list of things, rather than using built in functions or making your own. It also is another way to potentially save memory, like caches!

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