Monday, 30 September 2013

Hackathon - Week 1

This will be my first SLOG post for my course CSC148 at University of Toronto, we are required to make weekly blog posts regarding our classes and CS related things. Our first assignment was introduced, and it seems like it will heavily involve recursion as anything with algorithms like the tower of Hanoi does. I suppose its important to understand that everything expands off of the base case.
    The past weekend I went to the U of T hackathon as a "hacker", I found it a great experience and will definitely go next year. I had no idea as to what I would make or with whom but when I showed up I sat next to a fellow CSC148 student( and we started to brain storm a game. It started out as a roomba cleaning arcade game then over many changes turned into a paint war game where you would vie over control of zones by painting a grid. The main issue and bane of the game as we programmed was the movement system. A freeform movement system was implemented however with calculations of where to randomly spawn pickups, collisions between the police officers and players, and collisions with the boundaries of the map when the player got a speed boost proved to be very difficult without a grid based movement system. So when we tried to revert the movement system, which was involved in everything into a grid-like system it was already too late so we were unable to finish the game in time for judging. Heres a link to the github repository page:
    The main thing I learned from hackathon was how to program with groups of people and ultimately how to use github, something that will most definitely help me in the future. Plus all the free food was worth it. Also I'd like to apologize to my teammate for not being at hackathon all the time, I enjoy my comfortable bed.